Saturday 19 March 2016

Gradle is really groovy

I am about to finish Building and Testing with Gradle. Quite an impressive piece of software, the Groovy-based Gradle. I like how it is (somewhat) procedural (like Ant), somewhat declarative (like Maven), easy to alter (like MSBuild) and based on a clear concept of interdependent units of work (like make).

Once you understand a few notions such as project, task and dependency, that’s pretty much it. Everything else can be explored with ease. For example, one can write a try.gradle inspecting little script:

task disect << {
  def t = tasks[['what']]{it.key}.each {
    println sprintf('%1$-23s ==> %2s', "${it.key}", "${it.value.toString()}")

and then run gradle -b try.gradle disect -Dwhat=tasks to obtain the properties of task ‘tasks’ (-Dwhat controls which task to inspect):

Saturday 12 March 2016

The Green, Green Grass of Home

The things fall into place.

After 3.5 years of software development exclusively on Microsoft platforms (mainly .NET but also Excel; with some Oracle back-end, that’s true), I am coming “home”: I am joining a trading company where the main development platform is Java. Looking forward to it.

Java, home?

Why do I call Java as “home” given that I was born and raised in Microsoft1) and I’ve worked much more on Microsoft technologies than on Java? Perhaps because I feel that Java (as an ecosystem) is … well … more … homely (in a way).